Leaking Balcony Repairs

Don't let that pesky water leak go any longer!

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    Tired of your leaking balcony sending cascades of water down every time it rains?

    Balcony leaks


    Balconies are fantastic for adding value and space to your home, however, for what would appear to be a simple platform, actually has a lot of small elements that are extremely crucial to building that bigger, albeit simple vision.


    The main thing to remember when it comes to balconies is that they are very exposed to the elements, all year around. So construction of the balcony or even terrace, must be made to a high weatherproof standard.


    The main elements that need to be considered are as follows:

    -Care must be taken with creating the main platform to have a fall, allowing the water to be drained from the balcony efficiently. Having water pool in one place for too long, over long periods of time will potentially create issues moving forward. For example, if your balcony surface has been tiled, the grout joining the surface of the tiles together is not rated as waterproofed, that is unless it’s epoxy grout, which is more so used in industrial settings. Often Epoxy grout is a great, inexpensive and quick alternative to removing tiles and starting the entire process over again.


    Balcony foundations can be made from a cement sheeting that has a waterproof membrane applied to it directly after, and creating a screed (made from a sharp sand & cement mix) with the correct fall, and then ensuring that it is completely waterproofed, both top and bottom.


    -Quality materials have also been used, having a cheap tile crack is going to end up becoming a hot spot for water to find its way into the structure of your house. None of which you will see or know about until the damage has been done. A cracked tile or missing grout should be fixed as soon as possible, especially if you’re in a cold or wet period of the year.


    -Ensure that caulking has been carried out by someone who knows the trade, whilst caulking may look easy (and for many people it might be) you’ll need a good eye, to ensure that enough silicon is pressed to the right open areas to ensure a proper water tight seal.


    If you’ve found your balcony to be leaking, there is a chance it’s been like this for some time and it finally has gotten bad enough to notice. Call our team to arrange somebody to stop your balcony leak, and talk about the best way for you to move forward with a leak free balcony!


    Other than having water leaking issues, you should always check your balustrade is securely fixed down, last thing you want is to be leaning against an unsecure balustrade and suddenly it’s no longer supporting you. Having a loose balustrade can often be due to long term water damage.

    Helpful Hint #48219

    Some leaky balconies can be fixed by simply regrouting with Epoxy grout, which is a durable waterproof grout.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Chances are if you’re now seeing it, it could have been leaking for months before it became visible. typically balconies that are not waterproofed or have appropriate water fall are prone to water damage.

    Every leak is unique, sometimes it can be fixed with a small amount of silicon, other times it may require thousands of dollars to repair.

    Typically you will need to speak with the owner, or managing real estate agent about this. Chances are it will involve a few different parties, including insurance companies, property managers, etc.

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