Internal wet area waterproofing covers a wide range of spaces, including laundrys, wash rooms, toilet blocks, change room shower blocks and more. It’s a critical part of any build or rebuild, and also when repurposing rooms into wet areas.
We use liquid membranes for waterproofing wet areas, and are happy to be governed by the requirements of your build. Different substrates and building types can require different treatment, but you can rest assured that our wet area waterproofing services will meet the Australian Standards for that type of area.
As a homeowner, you may be looking to get your laundry or bathrooms waterproofed if you’re renovating or extending your home. This can be especially important when renovating an old home with floors or walls that haven’t been maintained. Don’t just jump straight into tiling over what’s already there! We can assess your wet areas (or discuss your plans for new rooms) and advise you on the best course of action for your waterproofing.
As a builder, you’d already know what you need waterproofed. Just send us your floor plans and any required specs and we’ll be happy to put forward a price. If it’s a live job, even better! We’ll come to site when you’re available for a chat and we’ll walk through all of the job requirements with you in person.
So, do you have a current job or future project that needs wet area waterproofing? Contact us today, and remember to attach any floor plans, documents or spec sheets that are prudent to the job!
Are you renovating and have removed your own tiles? Chances are you've probably ripped the membrane and need to get it fixed now. It's not an easy patch job; you'll actually need to get the full membrane replaced, or you could find yourself with a much more expensive problem to fix very soon.